Moon and Mars august 2010 was a big hoax

Posted by vikash kumar singh Saturday, August 28, 2010

A report circulated through the internet that two moons will appear at the night sky all over the states tonight is a big hoax. The e-mail mentioned that tonight at exactly 8:00 PM Eastern Time, the moon will rise from the east with the red planet on its side. The e-mail stressed that Mars will be too close to the earth that it will shine just like the moon but we all know that this is impossible.
As NASA confirmed over their announcement through this hoax that Mars has a distance of 78 million km and it will be impossible for it to be comparable in size to our moon relative to earth. They specifically explain that the moon is just merely 378,000 kms away from the earth.
If Mars will be this close to Earth, the two planets will definitely attract each other and would no longer be separated or it could be even worst. It is inevitable that a similar impact which created our  own moon could happen if Mars will be this close to earth just like what had happen some 4.5 billion years years ago.
NASA dismiss this hoax as a mere fictional tale which could never be relied upon and could never happen not in our life time. NASA however, mentioned that Mars could still be seen in our night sky but just a speck. They also noted that the closes Mars could get to the Earth is only about 55.7 million kms in its orbit. The last close orbit happened last 2003 which also made headline such as this.


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